WDRL 230

DNS over HTTPS, Web Push and Bitcoin’s Dark Energy Secret

Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann. Freelance webdesigner, frontend engineer, advisor. Curating WDRL, growing vegetables on a market garden farm.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


the web’s evolving every single day and it’s amazing to follow and watch what happens. So when I heard first about Notifications in our web browsers by websites I was immediately concerned that a lot of websites will abuse this and ask for permission. Over time, a lot of people got annoyed by this and now Firefox even has a setting for users that allows them to generically block Push Notification permission prompts.
Unfortunately, this is not the first technology that gets restricted because we as developers don’t build solutions responsibly but often follow instructions blindly or go the easiest way. The Battery API is another example where a useful technology was abused and then got removed from browsers to protect users again—with the result that we have no way to optimize our websites according to the battery status of our users anymore and thus removed one important feature that completed the web app experience in comparison to native apps. If we realize that this is our fault, we’re able to build better solutions. Let’s do this.






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